All family/household members must come in person to Paws Along The River Humane Society in Warren for an adoption appointment. We do not “hold” pets for anyone. We welcome the opportunity to adopt to persons living outside the Warren, PA area.

We require photos of your home inside and out. We are asking for 5 photos; 3 photos of entire rooms the inside of the home, (entire rooms only) and two outside photos, one photo of the front of the home and one photo of the back of the home.  Photos of any fenced in yard areas would be welcomed. These photos will help our adoption team understand where the pet will live.

We are extremely caring and take time to get to know all of our pets and we want to match them with their new owners. We avoid the “pet-shop” way of adopting and try to have potential owners think about what they want and are willing to commit to. Consider the size, temperament, activity level, training, exercise, etc. These are all important factors for a successful adoption match. We remind everyone that we would not adopt a dog that does not like cats to a family that has cats. Pets, like humans, have different personalities and different temperaments. MATCHING is what PAWS does.


  • We require a waiting period before adoptions are finalized
  • Pennsylvania Law now requires all animals adopted from a Humane Society must be spayed or neutered before adoptions are complete.
  • We require a verbal agreement from the landlord if the pet owner is a renter. 
  • We require a pet must be an integral part of the family with the opportunity to live inside the home.  We do not adopt our pets to outside living situations, isolated from family.
  • You are adopting a life, not a gift.  
  • We require potential owners to be physically and financially able to care for a pet.
  • We reserve the right to decide who adopts from Paws Along The River Humane Society. 
  • Our adoption area is limited to 150 miles away from the shelter. 
  • The distance traveled may incur a $25 fee

Paws Along The River HS reserves the right to make home visitations by staff before an animal is adopted. 

Paws Along The River Humane Society is incorporated in Pennsylvania, and run by an elected volunteer Board of Directors. We are not affiliated with any government agency.  Our main source of income is from our adoptions, donations, and fundraisers. Any questions on our policies or how they are administered should be sent in writing to the Board of Directors of Paws Along The River.